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Certificate Plaque Indices & Periodontal Charting

All dental nurses should understand the difference between Gingivitis and Periodontitis and the necessity to correctly write up appointment records. This course enables oral health educators to refresh their knowledge on the following: Gingivitis, Periodontitis, Periodontal pocketing, Basic periodontal examination, Full Periodontal charting Plaque indices. Once the course is completed you will be able to undertake plaque scoring. You will be expected to see 15 patients and record the plaque scores on the paperwork provided. This paperwork will need to be signed by your dentist, therapist or hygienist and complete two assignments. This simple to follow course entitles you to 9 hours of verifiable CPD and meets the GDC outcomes A,B, C and D You do not need to have the OHE qualification to take this course How to get started You can get started right away by making a one-off payment and completing the booking process below. For more information, please contact us on 01189 261533. Alternatively, email us at – we are more than happy to answer your questions!


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